
The Garden

Have you ever had a garden? My School T.M.A. does. The garden not only teaches you about math and science it also teaches you how to take care of a garden. So once a month on a Tuesday my class goes to the garden and we harvest, plant, and water the garden. After we harvest our crops we get to take some of the vegetables home. Some of the food we pick also goes to our garden sale at school where they sell treats and the foods we pick. I really like taking care of our school garden. My favorite part is planting and harvesting. I like to eat the vegetables that we plant, like the carrots. I have learned so much about gardening.

By Clarissa Sullivan

One thing this year that the TMA garden taught me is the difference between a weed and a plant. The thing I love about the garden is that you get to be outside and help the earth look beautiful. Our school garden encouraged me to eat more vegetables because Mrs. Sullivan would say “try this Ella, ” I would not want to eat it, but then I tried and I loved it! My Mom started helping in the garden and then our garden at home grew bigger. My favorite experience in the garden is when Mrs. Kinoshita said “we are going to have a salad today in the garden.” The salad was made from the vegetables my class had planted. Thank you so much for making this year extra special.

By Ella Mardirossian

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