
The T.M.A. Garden

(written by students in Ms. Bleskey’s 3rd grade class)
Throughout the school year we had a very fun time in the garden. We got to explore the wonderful things in the garden. One of the stations we experienced was planting; this year our class got to plant peas and carrots. We pulled weeds so the plants could survive. We harvested our peas and carrots so they would not rot and so we could eat them. After we harvested we got to eat the crops. Every Tuesday we have a garden sale at school. The money earned at the sale went toward seeds and tools for our garden. At the garden sale some of the things they sold were vegetables, brownies, pumpkin chocolate cookies and lemon pops. You can use green bucks to buy treats that cost 50 cents. We also cleaned the garden by taking rakes and cleaning the leaves up. We learned about Coinker, he is a huge wooden pig that people put money in so that we can buy materials for the garden. Last, but not least, the most fun thing about going to the garden, can you guess? The parent volunteers! They made each visit so much fun. They also help us with a lot of things and they are very kind. The Garden is a fun place to be!

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